WAMENA - A total of 142,532 residents of Jayawijaya Regency, Papua do not yet have an electronic identity card (KTP). This is the government's concern so that they can have an identity.

Head of the Jayawijaya Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil), Kenius Tabuni, said that to reach residents who do not yet have an identity, his party immediately provides services to the districts.

"There are still many residents who have not recorded their E-KTPs or as many as 142,532 people, so our pick-up system is to record their ID cards. This year, 15 districts have been completed and while there are still 25 more districts that are programmed next year," he said, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday. , July 24.

Based on the agency's data, the population of Jayawijaya reached 273,265 people with 218,244 people required to have an electronic ID card.

"While what has been realized is still 75,712 people who have recorded and have electronic ID cards," he said.

He said the data was very important because currently all aid from the government requires the recipient to have a personal identity such as an ID card.

"We see that in the distribution of aid at the post office, there are many residents who cannot and maybe the data is lacking, therefore we provide this NIK-based data," he said.

Kenius said that later they would cooperate with related agencies related to the NIK to facilitate services to the community.

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