BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Kalsel) arrested four fugitives during 2022, of whom have been wanted for a long time, and some have even been on the wanted list for six years.

"The four fugitives arrested are three cases at the North Hulu Sungai Kejari and one case at the Banjar Regency Kejari," said Head of the South Kalimantan Attorney General's Office, Mukri, in Banjarmasin, as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

The first fugitive was arrested by Fathurrahman who was convicted of a narcotics case. The Fugitive Arrest Team (Tabur) of the North Sungai Hulu Kejari (HSU) arrested him on Tuesday (25/1) in Telaga Silaba Village, South Amuntai District, HSU Regency.

Fathurrahman has been on the run for six years after running away when he was about to be executed by prosecutors after the Supreme Court granted the cassation decision. Previously, he was acquitted by the Amuntai District Court in 2016. However, the prosecutor made an appeal which resulted in a prison sentence of 1 year and 6 months.

Then the second fugitive of Syarif Hidayat, narcotics case at the HSU Kejari was arrested on Wednesday (26/1) in Banjarmasin. The convict was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 800 million.

The third fugitive Muhammad Irfansyah was arrested by the Banjar Kejari on Thursday (3/2) in Barito Kuala Regency. The convict of this fake letter has been on the run for four years. He was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison.

There is also a fourth fugitive who was arrested by M Najarrahman, an oil and gas case at the HSU Kejari who has been on the run since the Amuntai District Court's decision on July 29, 2019 sentenced him to four months in prison and a fine of Rp. 2 million.

He was arrested in Manarap Village, Danau Panggang District, HSU Regency on Tuesday (4/3) by the HSU Kejari Sow Team.

Mukri appreciated the performance of the sowing team, which had worked hard to arrest the fugitives so that they could be executed as decided by the court or the Supreme Court.

"Until whenever the name of a fugitive is still being sought to be legally responsible for his actions," he said.

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