SURABAYA - Floods often hit the downtown area of Surabaya during heavy rains. A number of anticipatory steps have been taken by the Surabaya city government to minimize this.

One effort that will be carried out in the near future is to build a pump house in Contong Square, Bubutan District, Surabaya. Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Armuji said, the existence of a pump house to balance the well-established drainage channels in line with the increasing population density in the city center.

"Later on, the construction of the Contong Square Pump House will speed up the passage of water to the river so as to minimize the potential for puddles in the middle of the city," said Armuji, as reported by Antara, Sunday, July 24.

According to him, the construction of a pump house is a necessity in Surabaya. However, he continued, if the channel is clean and smooth, but is not supported by the presence of a pump house, it will be useless.

Armuji said that currently in the city of Surabaya there are 61 pump houses and at least 150 pumps are ready to operate to reduce inundation during the rainy season.

In addition to pump houses, the Surabaya City Government is currently also building two waterway crossings on Jalan Embong Kenongo and Jalan Kenari to overcome inundation and flooding during heavy rains in the downtown area.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi previously said that the estimated work on the two waterway crossings would be completed on December 7.

The work on crossing the channel on Jalan Embong Kenongo uses the 2022 Surabaya City Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of IDR 13 billion. Meanwhile, the budget for the construction of the canal on Jalan Kenari reaches around Rp. 3 billion.

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