SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government moved quickly to provide medical assistance to FDI, a 14-year-old child with bone cancer from Bulak Banteng Lor Bhineka, Kenjeran, Kota Pahlawan, East Java. Residents and Cadres of Great Surabaya (KSH) Kenjeran District, his party immediately followed up by visiting FDI's residence. "What is clear, the first intervention is medical, we together with the Puskesmas took FDI's sister to Dr. Soetomo Hospital and has been hospitalized until now," Nono was quoted as saying. Antara. This was done because the condition of FDI was apprehensive, where his right leg swelled, thus making him unable to carry out activities like children in general. Nono said the intervention provided by the city government was not only that, but also coordinated with the Surabaya City Education Office (Dispendik) to help FDI to continue their education. FDI is an 8th grader at a private junior high school in the Kenjeran area, Surabaya. Nono admitted that his party had coordinated with the relevant agencies so that FDI could continue his education after medical treatment. After coordination, it turned out to be not in vain, the school welcomed it and escorted FDI education to completion. "The school is ready to help and not make it difficult for FDI's sister," he said. Nono said that his party was also coordinating with the Surabaya Social Service to enter FDI family data into the low-income category (MBR). Later, the FDI family will receive regular food assistance every three days from the Surabaya Social Service. In addition, FDI's father was also facilitated by the Surabaya City Government in order to earn a steady income while caring for his child. Nono said that previously FDI's father worked in a private company, then decided to quit his job because he had to take care of him and could not leave FDI alone.

"So, his father's work before that could not be left behind, besides that at home there was only FDI, he couldn't bear to finally stop working. Therefore, I proposed the data of his parents to the Head of Government and People's Welfare to be placed in the cleaning section not far from his house "He said. The head of the Surabaya Family Welfare and Empowerment Team (TP PKK) Rini Indriyani previously said that her party had visited FDI at her residence on Saturday (23/7) with assistance in the form of basic necessities, beds and fans. , Rini coordinated with the sub-district and local village heads to follow up on FDI so that it can recover as usual. In addition, Rini also asked the sub-district head to register FDI families in the MBR category to make it easier for the city government to intervene. and continues to swell," said the wife of the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi. Rini explained that FDI's parents had taken their child to dr. Soetomo for treatment, but to no avail and instead continues to swell. FDI has also undergone chemotherapy after being treated at home by his father.

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