JAKARTA - A number of public facilities at Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, were damaged. This damage was caused by the congestion of people picking up Rizieq Shihab who had come to the airport area since Monday night.

The facilities that were damaged were broken waiting chairs outside the arrival lobby of Terminal 3. Apart from that, the ornamental plants on the roadside of Terminal 3 were also seen to be damaged because they were trampled by the mass of sympathizers who could not be stopped.

VP of Corporate Communication of Angkasa Pura II, Yado Yarismano, said that the damaged facilities due to the crowds to pick up Rizieq Shihab would be repaired immediately, after the crowd gradually left the airport.

"It's done. It was immediately (repaired). As soon as the crowd left, the team immediately combed to see the location of several damaged facilities based on monitoring results due to the density of the crowd present. It was immediately replaced," he said, when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, November 10.

Yado emphasized that the damage to airport facilities was not the result of anarchistic action. According to him, this was purely due to the dense mass of sympathizers who attended and wanted to welcome Rizieq Shihab.

"What we can say is that this incident was purely due to the density of the masses who came not because of an anarchist incident or anything. But we can indeed convey all the activities earlier, the arrival was carried out in a conducive and smooth manner," he said.

Furthermore, Yado explained, the damaged seats in the waiting area of Terminal 3 were caused by the crowd using them as a foothold when welcoming Rizieq's arrival.

"Based on our team's observation in the field, the seats are built up by quite a lot of people. This means that they are quite heavy and finally the chair breaks," he said.

Regarding the amount of losses arising from damaged facilities, Yado said he had not yet calculated the total losses. Even so, he stressed that the disadvantages were not that great.

"If it has not been estimated, the figures cannot be stated. However, based on the monitoring results, there are not many because only a few chairs were damaged," he explained.

Yado said that currently conditions at the airport have started to return to normal. The crowd of supporters of Rizieq Shibab had left the airport after Rizieq's departure.

"Now it is back to normal, there is no more density like this morning," he said.

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