JAKARTA - The family of Sarah (21), the victim of drinking hard water to death, are satisfied with the life sentence for the defendant, Abdul Latif, a Saudi Arabian citizen - her husband.

The family representative, the victim's uncle, Rizwan Maulana, was satisfied with the judge's decision to impose the maximum sentence according to the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU). However, the defendant's attorney plans to appeal.

Sarah is a resident of Sukamaju Village, Cianjur District, West Java.

"We are quite satisfied with the judge's decision because the defendant sadistically and inhumanely took Sarah's life away. We also hope that the appeal filed by her attorney will be rejected because it is clear that her actions to kill Sarah were planned," Maulana said, Friday, July 22, quoted from Antara.

The family will continue to oversee the trial until the decision against the defendant has permanent legal force, so that the family feels calm.

"We will guard this case until it is final and there will be no reduction in the sentence," he said.

Last Thursday, July 20, the presiding judge of the Cianjur District Court, Ni Wayan Wirawati, read out the verdict against Latif who threw hard water on Sarah to death. The defendant was deemed to have fulfilled the elements of premeditated murder based on the testimony of a number of incriminating witnesses.

Even Latif had provided hard water purchased through an online store long ago and hid it before it was finally used to flush the body and put it in the victim's mouth until finally the victim breathed his last on November 20, 2021.

"The panel of judges decided that the defendant was legal and proven to have committed the crime of premeditated murder in accordance with the primary indictment of Article 340 of the Criminal Code with a life sentence," he said.

He explained that Latif's attorney will appeal the verdict, while the public prosecutor is still thinking about appealing the life sentence.

"We will hold the trial again in the next two weeks," he said.

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