JAKARTA - PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk is facing a problem facing the loss of customer funds, which are e-sports athletes Winda Lunardi or Winda Earl and their mother, Floleta. The money lost is estimated at around IDR 22.8 billion.

The Bareskrim Polri has named the Head of the South Jakarta Maybank Cipulir Branch with the initials AT as a suspect. Legal Counsel for Maybank Indonesia Tbk. Hotman Paris Hutapea in his press conference to the media, Monday, November 9 yesterday explained that this case is not as simple as people imagine.

Hotman also explained that there are several irregularities that need to be a reference for investigators to explore this case. Here are a number of oddities according to the famous lawyer:

1. Winda does not hold ATM cards and savings books, but is in the hands of the suspect

Hotman said that Winda and her mother's savings came from Herman Gunardi or Winda's father. When you first opened the savings, there was an incoming transfer of IDR 2 billion.

Meanwhile, the total amount of savings is currently Rp. 17.9 billion, and all the money comes from his father, Herman Gunardi. However, the strange thing is, Hotman said, the ATM card and savings book were actually given to the suspect, the branch manager at Maybank Cipulir and never asked for it until now.

Hotman explained that the account owner received the amount of money, as indicated by the receipt of the savings book and ATM. However, the suspect who is the head of the Maybank Cipulir branch admitted that from the beginning he had held an ATM card and a savings book.

The customer, in this case Winda Earl, never complained and never claimed to have complained about this since the opening of the account.

2. Concerning Non-Maybank Savings Interest

The interest on savings paid by Maybank is paid not from the company, but from the personal account of the suspect, the head of the Maybank Cipulir branch.

In fact, the interest on this savings was actually paid by another private bank, namely BCA, to Herman Gunardi. Hotman said that savings owners have never complained about this.

3. Winda has never checked the flow of funds

The next oddity, said Hotman, is that customers never check the flow of funds into their savings. There was a money transfer of IDR 576 million in 2016, which was called an interest payment on this savings, but the owner of the savings never made any clarifications.

In addition, the interest payment was also not in accordance with the initial agreement of about 7 percent of the total savings, which should have been Rp1.2 billion. At the time of interest payment, the owner of the fund never complained.

4. There is an outgoing fund of Rp. 6 billion to Prudential

Hotman also conveyed that the funds actually came out of the victim's personal savings of IDR 6 billion to Prudential. The suspect also carried out the transfer transaction.

However, in a matter of a month, this money returned to his father's account, namely Herman Gunardi from Prudential, IDR4.8 billion. According to Hotman, this information is in the bookkeeping accounts.

Winda Earl herself, on Monday night, November 9, Kompas TV said she was upset because Maybank suspected that her father was working with the suspect who broke into her savings. He explained, the beginning of opening an account at Maybank in 2014 was a checking or savings account for the future and had never been tampered with.

Winda ensures that all transactions or activities that occur in that account are without his knowledge and without his consent. Even if a transaction is found, according to Winda, it is an abuse of another party that he does not know at all.

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