BABEL - The Central Bangka Regency Government (Pemkab) has prepared a budget of Rp. 70 million for disaster emergency management in 2022.

"This year, we have only prepared a budget of Rp. 70 million for emergency natural disasters that hit residents," said the Head of the Social and Village Administration (Dinsos PMD) of Central Bangka Regency, Padlillah, in Koba, Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) Friday 22 July.

Fadlillah admits that the budget of this size is relatively small, even though natural disasters that hit residents cannot be predicted when they will occur.

"Even now the budget leaves only Rp. 20 million, Rp. 50 million has been used to help renovate the houses of residents who were victims of strong winds some time ago," he said, according to Antara.

However, said the former Head of the Welfare Division of the Central Bangka Regency Government, all residents who are victims of natural disasters such as strong winds can be helped optimally.

"Although the Rp70 million budget is not enough, the disaster emergency budget can be assisted by various parties, both companies and individuals," he said.

In addition, he said, to cover the very minimal disaster emergency funds, his party coordinated with the village government.

"Some villages have budgeted for disaster emergency funds, which can be disbursed to help local residents who are affected by natural disasters," he said.

He suggested that in the future all village governments allocate disaster emergency budgets.

"Thus, the houses of residents who suffered minor damage due to the disaster, can be immediately repaired using the village budget," he said.

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