KENDARI - The University of Halu Oleo (UHO) Kendari emphasized that the university will guarantee the continuity of the lectures of a student who is suspected of being a victim of immoral acts by an unscrupulous lecturer with the initials B.

The alleged perpetrator committed an act of harassment by asking the victim to come to his residence to bring a recap of values.

It was at the suspect's house that the victim was then harassed by forcibly kissed on several parts of the face, forehead, cheeks and mouth. The victim immediately reported the incident to the Kendari Police as stated in the Complaint Report (LP) Number: B/789/VII/2022/Reskrim, dated July 18, 2022.

UHO Kendari Chancellor Prof. Muhammad Zamrun Firihu said the certainty referred to Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities.

"In the Permendikbud, Research and Technology, it is stated that we must guarantee the right to continue the lecture in question, don't worry," he said when met at the Postgraduate Building in Kendari, Antara, Thursday, July 21.

The university received the victim's report on Wednesday afternoon yesterday. His party is also ready to provide assistance to victims in the form of counseling and psychologically with the provision of consent from the victim.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of the lecturer suspected of being immoral, the university also said it could provide legal assistance if the person concerned was willing to refer to Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021.

"We can provide assistance, such as counseling, advocacy and even legal assistance, but that is with the approval of the person concerned, it is not immediately necessary for universities to take a stand, so we must have the consent of the person concerned," he said.

The Chancellor for these two terms said that the student's report would be distributed to the Code of Ethics and Discipline Council under the coordination of the Vice Chancellor II.

He emphasized that if the lecturer was proven to have committed an indecent act to a student, he would receive an administrative sanction in the form of a light, moderate, or even dismissed civil servant.

"In the Permendikbud, Research and Technology there are administrative sanctions. The light sanctions mean that we give a written warning and also provide a written statement not to be repeated, the medium sanction is if he is, for example, an official we are dismissed from his position and the heaviest sanction can be dismissed from the civil servant," said the Chancellor .

He asked if there were other students who received similar actions so that they would not hesitate to report to the Rectorate with a guarantee that the identity of the reporter would be kept confidential. In addition, he also reminded that the affairs of lectures are not completed outside the campus.

"In fact, between lecturers and students or anyone else, if possible, do not interact outside the campus, it is regulated in Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021," he explained.

The Chancellor also appealed to lecturers, education staff students to comply with existing rules and run them according to their respective duties, and to always maintain the good name of Halu Oleo University.

"Almost every time I always warn in every speech, at the inauguration of student organizations, campus officials, graduations, I say please protect the good name of Halu Oleo University because we live here until we retire, so please protect the good name of Halu University Oleo," said Prof. Zamrun confirmed.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kendari Police, AKP Fitrayadi confirmed the report of alleged harassment by an unscrupulous UHO lecturer with the initial B according to the victim's report. "It's true, the report is there and the reported person will be summoned immediately," he explained.

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