ACEH - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) stated that the conflict between tigers and humans in Aceh occurred because of the disruption of food sources for these wild animals in their habitat.

The Head of the Conservation Section for Region I BKSDA Aceh Kamarudzaman said, when the food source in their habitat is no longer available, wild animals, such as tigers, look elsewhere until they enter residential areas.

"The existence of these wild animals is looking for food to live. When the food source is no longer in their habitat, the wildlife looks elsewhere and enters residential areas," he said in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 20.

According to Kamarudzaman, the disruption of habitat and food sources for tigers and other protected wildlife also has an impact on the population.

Kamarudzaman admitted that he did not have a complete record of the number of tiger disturbances in Aceh, especially the work area of the Regional Conservation Section I of the Aceh BKSDA, covering the east coast and highlands of Aceh.

Even so, he said, conflicts between tigers and humans often occur, including in the East Aceh Regency and several other districts in the province.

"The last tiger disturbance occurred in Tapaktuan, South Aceh Regency, but I cannot respond to it because it is not our work area," said Kamarudzaman.

Previously, an adult Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) reportedly preyed on two resident goats in Tapaktuan, South Aceh Regency.

Head of the Conservation Resort Area 15 Tapaktuan Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Aceh Wirli said the protected wildlife was reported to have preyed on local goats on Friday (15/7) at sunset.

"The tiger reportedly preyed on two goats in a cage behind SDN 2 in Batu Itam Village, Tapaktuan District, South Aceh Regency," he said.

The existence of the Sumatran tiger preying on these livestock, makes the local community restless. The public is also asked to be aware of the appearance of these protected wildlife.

Wirli said that the team of the 15 Tapaktuan BKSDA Aceh Conservation Resort Resort team had gone to the location where the tiger reportedly preyed on two of the community's goats.

"The team has also checked the location and installed monitoring cameras. If the tiger is found later, we will try to bring it back to the forest area," he said.

Wirli said that the community also asked for traps. However, trapping cannot be carried out because it must obtain permission from the Aceh BKSDA.

"Once we get a permit, we will set up the tiger trap. We urge the public to be careful and not to leave the house unless there is an important need. Then, don't go to the garden alone," said Wirli.

The Sumatran tiger is a protected animal in Indonesia. Based on the list of animals from the international conservation agency, IUCN, the Sumatran tiger is only found on the island of Sumatra, has a critical status and is at risk of extinction in the wild.

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