ACEH - The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) team has stopped the search for a teenager who drowned and disappeared while bathing in the sea at Ujung Batee Beach, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province.

Head of Basarnas Banda Aceh Ibnu Harris Al Hussain said the search operation was stopped because the victim was not found after being searched for seven days.

"Based on the results of the evaluation of the seven-day search and an agreement with the family, the search for victims has been stopped," he said in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, July 19.

The victim named Muhammad Romodhon is 13 years old, a resident of Perumnas Ujung Batee, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District.

The victim, he said, was reported to have drowned and disappeared while bathing and swimming with his friends at Ujung Batee Beach, Durung Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District, last Tuesday, July 12 at around 16.00 WIB.

Ibnu Harris Al Hussain said the search for victims every day until the seventh day was carried out by two teams. The first team combed the waters using a rubber boat and the second team by combing the beach.

"However, the search for the victim was fruitless. The victim was not found. With the search operation stopped, the victim was declared missing," he said.

He said search operations would reopen if there were signs of a victim being found.

"In addition to the Basarnas team, the search also involves TNI and Polri personnel, BPBD, and the local community. With the search operation stopped, the personnel involved will be returned to their respective units or agencies," said Ibnu Harris Al Hussain.

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