JAKARTA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) again opened fire on 12 residents of Nogolait Village, Nduga Regency, Papua, Saturday, July 16. The action left 10 people dead, one of whom was a Pastor named Eliaser Baye.

Member of Commission I of the DPR RI from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Sukamta, condemned the brutal shooting of the Free Papuan KKB. He urged the KKB to immediately stop its brutal actions because it targets innocent civilians.

Sukamta also asked the TNI-Polri to immediately eradicate the KKB so as not to further disturb the public. According to him, the TNI-Polri need to change the approach to eradicating KTB.

"If all this time there has been a tendency to be defensive with a pattern of protecting vital objects and building security posts, it is time for the TNI and Polri to hunt down KKTB to their nests," Sukamta told reporters, Tuesday, July 19.

"The law enforcement process must also prioritize the role and involvement of civil society so that there are no wrong targets," he continued.

In addition, this PKS politician believes that the TNI and Polri must also wage war on public opinion. This is because the Papuan KKB members who are hiding or doing doctrinal activities have not yet mapped the number of opinion-gathering members.

Currently, said Sukamta, there are at least 9 Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) terrorist groups with around 150 members. According to him, the mapping and handling of the Free Papua ideology must also be carried out so that new members of the group do not appear.

Sukamta emphasized that the government must form public opinion based on data, facts, events and conditions in Papua. Moreover, he said, currently there is an attempt to form an opinion that the TNI-Polri have violated human rights in Papua.

"Information regarding crucial events in Papua must be conveyed openly, clearly and transparently so that the public knows and believes that the TNI-Polri are acting in accordance with the law," said Sukamta.

If there are elements of the TNI-Polri acting outside the corridor of law enforcement, he added, they must be dealt with firmly. "This is so that the people of Papua, the people of Indonesia and the world believe in the Indonesian government," he said.

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