JAKARTA - The recovery of the tourism sector and the creative economy (parekraf) due to COVID-19 is a shared responsibility. This includes creating jobs and business opportunities that are needed by the community.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, admitted that he had accommodated various aspirations, ranging from complaints to the hopes of creative tourism actors.

Based on the discussion, the creative economy actors need leadership that can capture the aspirations of creative economy actors. After that immediately provide solutions to the core problems encountered.

"Starting from very simple information, such as information about events that have been and will be designed by the City of Semarang to the collaborative activities that we want to present in the next few years," Sandiaga explained in his statement, Sunday, July 17.

Sandiaga has set a target of targeting the creation of new jobs of 1.1 million jobs in 2022 and as many as 3.4 million new jobs in 2024.

"My experience as a chief economy officer feels that we have to work hand in hand with Pak Jokowi's government over the past few years, Alhamdulillah, we have made extraordinary progress," said Sandiaga.

"But there are still many of our friends who have not received income, jobs and also with the threat of inflation, prices are increasing, we must be able to come up with a concrete solution that can be felt by the community," he continued.

The phenomenon of the existence of Sudirman Citayam Bojonggede Depok (SCBD) children in the Dukuh Atas area, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta is proof of the huge business opportunity in the creative economy sector.

The children's activities, which turned into a fashion show, known as the SCBD Fashion Show, said Sandiaga, had already driven the economy. In line with this, according to him, the Fashion Show event can be held in the Old City of Semarang.

That way, creative economy actors from other cities, such as Wonosobo, Grobogan, Tegal or others can join in one performance.

"It has been submitted and we will support it, because we believe that Paris has fashion week and New York has fashion week, Semarang is a city of pride that has our own icons, which must also have fashion week that accommodates creative economy actors, especially fashion in all regions of Indonesia," he concluded excitedly.

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