JAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has agreed on 3 laws (UU) related to the division of Papua Province in a plenary meeting last Thursday, June 30.

The new Provincial Laws include South Papua Province, Central Papua Province, and Papua Mountains Province.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, has confirmed that the three new regions of Papua will participate in the 2024 General Election.

This means that the three new provinces will vote simultaneously with 34 other provinces in 2024. Be it legislative elections (pileg), presidential elections (pilpres), regional head elections (pilkada).

"It will automatically (take part in the election). It's in the law (it's already listed), they will definitely participate," Tito told reporters, Sunday, July 17.

However, Tito has not explained about the revision of the latest Election Law after the three provinces were ratified.

Including for the Southwest Papua region, which is still being proposed in parliament, the former National Police Chief has not been able to confirm whether he will take part in the 2024 General Election or not.

According to him, it depends on the budget.

"Southwest Papua is still in progress, if the budget is sufficiently executed, if the budget is not, in another year," said Tito.

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