JAKARTA - The Banten National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) conducted a search for a resident of Lebak Regency who was swept away by the Ciujung River, Saturday, July 16 at 15:20 WIB.

"We hope that today the victim, known as Riski (12), a resident of Jampang Indah Margaluyu, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency, who was swept away in the Ciujung River, can be found," said Head of Basarnas Banten Adil Triyanto in Lebak, Sunday, July 17.

Basarnas Banten and another joint team consisting of BPBD Lebak, Police, TNI, Tagana Volunteers, and the local community jointly conducted a search and then evacuated the victims to a safe location.

The joint team was divided into two, namely the first to focus around the crime scene (TKP) and the second to conduct a sweep of the river flow. In an effort to search for the victim, the joint team used rubber boats, water palsars and Hazmat PPE.

The drifting accident began when the victim and three of his colleagues were bathing in the river at around 15.20 WIB, at which time the water was quite heavy. Three people managed to save themselves, but Riski was lost in the current.

"We hope that on the second day of the evacuation process, victims can be found," said Adil Triyanto.

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