DPR Urges The Attorney General's Office To Solve Semanggi I And II Cases
DPR working meeting with the Attorney General's Office. (Mery Handayani / VOI)

JAKARTA - The People's Representative Council (DPR) has asked the Attorney General's Office to resolve cases of human rights violations that occurred in 1998. Especially in the case of Semanggi I and II. The reason is that until now, the case has not been resolved.

Member of Commission III, Taufik Besari, said that this must still be disclosed because the process was carried out in July 2001, there were two views on this case. First, the majority said it was not a serious human rights violation. Second, want to direct the case to the ordinary court and the military.

But in reality, the ordinary courts and the military have not been resolved. "We want to know what happened in Semanggi I and II so that the public's right to know must be fulfilled," he said, during a working meeting with the Attorney General's Office, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, January 20.

Taufik said that the previous work meeting on January 16 coincided with 13 years of silent action in front of the palace. The action was led directly by Sumarsih, the mother of Wawan, a victim of Semanggi I, who never gave up and always persistently demanded justice to find out what really happened regarding the Semanggi I case.

On that occasion, Taufik continued, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said that investigations for the Semanggi I and II cases were hampered because they referred to the DPR decisions for the 1999-2004 period issued in July 2001.

"We know the facts like that, that there were decisions of the DPR Semanggi I and II, but there are other facts that on March 20, 2002, Komnas HAM issued its final report, at which time Komnas HAM through KPPH Trisakti announced that there had been human crimes against the incident. Trisakti, Semanggi I and II. And those are the results obtained from the pro justitia investigation based on the Act, "he explained.

Everyone is aware of the fact that in 2001 the decision was political, and in 2002 there was an outcome of the legal process. Taufik said he hoped that the attorney general would not rely solely on political decisions.

"Even now, the investigation process for file submission, then going back and forth and so on, is still ongoing. I ask the Attorney General not to stop there. This does not mean that because there is a political decision it cannot be continued, no. So we will keep this open," he said. he stressed.

In addition, Taufik asked for good communication between the attorney general and Komnas HAM and facilitated with Commission III to find a way out.

"We want a solution if there is a human rights violation when a serious incident that occurred in the past is not resolved. Then the state will lead to impunity for crimes without resolution," he said.

Responding to this, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said, basically, from the Attorney General's Office as a prosecutor to investigators, they are ready to settle existing cases. However, with one note that the case has met the formal and material requirements.

"We are not turning around anywhere. If there is a file, we will conduct research whether it meets the material and formality, that is my promise. I want this case to be completed so that it does not become a burden," he explained.

Burhanuddin admitted that his party will cooperate with Komnas HAM which will be facilitated by Menkopolhukam. According to him, this has been running and has been found with the National Commission on Human Rights.

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