JAKARTA - The Duren Tiga Police Complex area, Pancoran, South Jakarta, was hit by heavy rain on Friday, July 15, afternoon.

After the fourth time the crime scene (TKP) was carried out, silence was increasingly felt around the official house of the Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Based on VOI monitoring at the location, there were no longer visible Police officers inside the fence of the Sambo official house.

After the crime scene investigation was completed, the officers did not put up a police line on the road in front of the official house and on the fence next to the scene. The yellow police stripe just dangles on the inside of the fence next to the house.

However, residents around Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's official residence were observed to still carry out their usual activities.

Even some of the teenagers in the complex were still playing basketball on the sports field right in front of the crime scene at the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Occasionally, other residents also cross the road in front of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's official residence using motorbikes. However, none of the police officers were seen securing the scene.

Head of RT 05/01 Duren Tiga Police Complex, Inspector General of Police (Ret.) Seno Sukarto said his area had always been safe and nothing had happened.

"Because so far it's been safe here. This is the first time this has happened," he told VOI.

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