JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin encourages the Islamic women's organization Fatayat NU to take part in the success of the agenda of the G20 Presidency of Indonesia.

"I encourage Fatayat NU to take part in the success of the agenda of the G20 Indonesia Presidency related to women's empowerment issues," said the Vice President in his online remarks at the Opening of the XVI Fatayat NU Congress in Palembang, reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 15.

The Vice President conveyed that efforts to continue to strengthen women's empowerment became one of the agendas of the G20 Presidency of Indonesia this year through the Women-Twenty (20).

There are four priority issues discussed in Women-20, namely discrimination and equality of women, economic inclusion for women's empowerment, improvement of rural women and persons with disabilities, and improvement of maternal and child health services.

Ma'ruf Amin said Indonesia should be grateful because Muslim women/Muslim women have equal opportunities with men to receive education and work according to their interests and talents, to occupy strategic positions in the world of work, business, politics and government.

However, according to the Vice President, this opportunity has not been fully utilized by Indonesian Muslim women, especially those who live in rural and remote areas.

"Therefore, harder work is still needed to continue to advance Indonesian women. In this case, Fatayat NU's strategic steps are highly expected," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

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