JAKARTA - Chairman of the Press Council, Prof. Azyumardi Azra assessed that the Draft Law on the Criminal Code (RUU KUHP), which is currently in the legislative process, is very dangerous and has the potential to suppress press freedom.

"The press can no longer play a role as a check and balance force, a power that can report what the government needs to pay attention to, including in conveying criticisms to the government from the central level to the lowest levels," said Azyumardi Azra at a press conference at the Press Council Building. , Jakarta 15 July.

The current Criminal Code bill, he added, is far more dangerous and has more potential to suppress freedom of the press, freedom of expression.

He also regrets that so far the process of drafting the Draft Criminal Code does not involve civil society and the press. According to him, the Press Council was never again invited to sit down together to discuss the policy.

"The government and the DPR should review the Criminal Code Bill again and involve or invite all relevant stakeholders. For example, if it is about the press, then invite the Press Council with its constituents to re-discuss controversial articles," Azyumardi Azra asked.

Insan perssedang melaksanakan tugasnya.(Photo by unsplash.com @inja_jeki)
The press are doing their job. After the KUHP Bill is passed can the press can work freely? (Photo by unsplash.com @inja_jeki)

On that occasion, the Head of the Press Ethics Complaints and Enforcement Commission of the Press Council, Yadi Hendriana said there were about ten to 12 articles that were in the spotlight, such as articles 241, 219, 247, 262, 263, 281, 305, and 354. it is in the Draft Criminal Code which has now been submitted to the DPR by the government.

"In fact, in 2017 the Press Council asked for these articles to be revised. Instead of being revised, the rubber articles or controversy for the press in the Criminal Code Bill have actually increased," said Yadi.

Meanwhile, the Head of the PWI for Education at the PWI Center, Nurjaman Mochtar, asked the DPR to immediately open the Draft Criminal Code to the public. And asked the DPR to hold open discussions with stakeholders, including the press, before the KUHP Bill was passed. "Ask the DPR to be pro-active in raising opinions from all parties in a legislative process," said Nurjaman.

The Chair of the PWI in the Education Sector also reminded the DPR that all laws should be made to regulate and protect the rights and obligations of citizens without exception.

"Reminding the DPR that the more laws that are judicially reviewed to the Constitutional Court, the worse the legislative process in the DPR building," said Nurjaman.

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