JAKARTA - Member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti said the decision to dishonorably discharge (PTDH) against AKBP Raden Brotoseno was appropriate in accordance with the community's sense of justice.

"PTDH's decision is in accordance with the community's sense of justice by processing the law and firing members who have been proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption and the decision has permanent force," Poengky said as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 14.

PTDH's decision against AKBP Raden Brotoseno was based on the results of the Review of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP PK) which was held last Friday (8/7). The PK's decision weighs on the sanction of the ethical trial which was decided on October 13, 2020.

In the October 2020 ethical decision, AKBP Raden Brotoseno was only imposed with a demotional task transfer sanction. He was not fired because he received consideration from his superiors who stated that he needed to be maintained for his achievements.

"Kompolnas welcomes the decision of the PK AKBP Brotoseno trial which decided to dishonorably dismiss AKBP Brotoseno," said Poengky.

According to Poengky, corruption is a serious crime that must be fought by everyone, including law enforcement officers who must obey the law, including obeying to clean from corruption. "Try to do corruption. The police institution must be kept clean of corruption. The police are free from collusion, corruption and nepotism, this is the mandate of the cultural reform of the police," said Poengky.

The name AKBP Raden Brotoseno emerged after Indonesia Corruption Watch questioned the status of the Indonesian National Police officer who returned to duty at the National Police Headquarters after being convicted of a corruption case involving rice fields printing in the Ketapang area, West Kalimantan in 2016.

The panel of judges at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court sentenced him to five years. Then AKBP Raden Brotoseno got a remission until he was free in 2020.

After his release, he returned to work as a staff in the Division of Technology, Information and Communication (ICT) of the National Police Headquarters.

Until finally the decision of the 2020 AKBP Raden Brotoseno ethics trial was reviewed, after the National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo issued Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Indonesian National Police Code of Ethics Commission on June 14.

The Perpol contains the authority of the National Police Chief to be able to submit a review of the ethics trial decisions that are considered to have injured the public's sense of justice, such as the ethics trial decision against AKBP Raden Brotoseno.

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