JAKARTA - Two neighborhood units (RT) in Bassura Apartment, Cipinang Besar Selatan Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, have become a red zone for the spread of COVID-19.

The head of the Jatinegara District Health Center, Aditya Galatama Purwadi, said that based on the investigation, there were 20 active cases of COVID-19 in Bassura Apartments.

"In Cipinang Besar Selatan, the red zones are in RT 03 and RT 11/RW 08. In RT 03 there are 14 active cases and in RT 11 there are six active cases," Aditya said as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 14.

Aditya added that the residents of the Bassura Apartment are now undergoing independent isolation in their respective units because they do not experience symptoms of COVID-19.

He said that during the self-isolation the condition of the apartment residents was monitored by joint officers, especially the Cipinang Besar Selatan Sub-district Health Center to ensure that medical and logistical needs were met.

"Most of them are Bassura residents, in apartments. We can see that at PeduliLindungi, some have been vaccinated and some have not. But for the details, we will check first," said Aditya.

Aditya said that based on the results of the investigation at the Jatinegara Sub-district Health Center, it was known that there were residents of the Bassura Apartment who were now confirmed to have COVID-19 but had not received any vaccinations.

He said to prevent widespread transmission, his party maximized 3T, namely screening to find new cases, tracing close contacts and treatment.

"Most (of the Covid-19 cases at the Bassura Apartment) were due to close contact, mostly due to close contact with other sufferers. They could be contacted either at work or on a trip," said Aditya.

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