ACT Case Becomes Momentum To Fix Philanthropy Rules, Baznas Proposes Starting From Regulations For Public And Religious Humanitarian Institutions
Illustration of the activities of the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) foundation. (ACT dock)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Zakat Forum, Bambang Suherman, revealed that the alleged misappropriation of humanitarian donations at the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) foundation can be used as a momentum to improve regulations for philanthropic institutions.

"Let's use this momentum as a momentum to improve regulations," he said in a seminar with the theme "Can Islamic Philanthropy Still Be Trustworthy?" in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 14.

The case that happened to ACT, according to him, can also be used as a momentum to increase community involvement in supervising philanthropic programs.

"Let's make this momentum a good moment for us to strengthen mutual cooperation and strengthen each other," he said.

He emphasized that philanthropic institutions and amil zakat institutions are urgently needed to support the handling of community social problems.

Regarding philanthropy arrangements, the Head of the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Nadratuzzaman Hosen said, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) must sit together to discuss the definition of humanitarian funds and religious funds.

According to him, this is important considering that so far the jurisdiction of general humanitarian institutions is under the Ministry of Social Affairs and the jurisdiction of religious charities is under the Ministry of Religion.

"If we pay zakat, it is clear, but whether infaq, alms, can also be taken by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Because, in the language of religion, the Ministry of Social Affairs can only take grants," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Accreditation and Audit of Zakat Institutions, Directorate of Zakat Empowerment and Waqf, Ministry of Religion Muhibuddin encouraged all Islamic philanthropic institutions to increase the competence of amil (zakat managers) to increase the credibility of the institution.

"The competence of amil, this amil capacity will determine how our zakat management organization is better," he concluded.

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