SURABAYA - Surabaya Satpol PP member with the initials F, was named a suspect in a corruption crime. The Special Crimes Investigator (Pidsus) of the Surabaya District Attorney (Kejari) stated that F was suspected of selling confiscated evidence (BB) worth Rp. 500 million.

"The warrant for the determination of the suspect corresponds to the number: Print-05/M.5.10/Fd.1/07/2022 dated July 13, 2022," said the Head of the Surabaya District Attorney, Danang Suryo Wibowo, in a written statement, Wednesday, 13 July.

This case started when the suspect was suspected of selling evidence from the control activities carried out by the Surabaya City Satpol PP at the Surabaya City Satpol PP Warehouse, Jl. Tanjungsari No. 11-15 Surabaya to other parties worth around Rp500 million.

During the transportation activity, the Kasatpol PP Surabaya City received a report that there had been an activity of transporting evidence out of the storage warehouse without his permission. From there, a report was made to the Surabaya Kejari for legal proceedings.

"This was followed up by issuing an Investigation Order Number: Print-09/M.5.10/Fd.1/06/2022 dated June 6, 2022," he said.

The suspect was charged with Article 10 letter a, Article 10 letter b Jo. Article 15 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Law on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

"The suspect was also detained for 20 days at the Class 1 Rutan in Surabaya, East Java Branch of the Prosecutor's Office," he said.

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