JAKARTA - A number of city transportation drivers in Jakarta have admitted that they are angry with cases of sexual harassment in public transportation because it triggers fewer passengers.

One of the city transportation drivers heading to Kampung Rambutan-Depok, Amin said that such cases could reduce the number of angkot passengers who switch to other transportation.

"Yes, I'm also annoyed, so it makes it more quiet for passengers, they can later move to online, it's quiet and it's even quieter," Amin said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 13.

Amin said he and several other drivers have also tried to keep passengers safe, but there must be mutual care and reminders between passengers so that things like this don't happen.

"If I take care of it, if I see someone who has a strange behavior, I will immediately look at it from the rearview mirror, usually later what I see becomes uncomfortable or embarrassed," he said.

In line with Amin, another city transportation driver, Hendri said it was difficult to know what had happened to the passengers if the vehicle was in full condition, he could only know if there were passengers who conveyed the incident.

"It's also difficult because while driving too, at least if the passenger screams or tells us what's going on, then we can help what we can," said Hendri.

Transportation practitioner who is also the Executive Director of the Institute for Transportation Studies (Instran), Deddy Herlambang said there are no clear rules in the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) specifically for urban transportation to prevent sexual harassment or violence in public transportation.

"There is no SPM regarding this yet, there is already a law governing this issue, so it is better to have clear law enforcement and create a deterrent effect for perpetrators of harassment on public transportation," said Deddy.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency planned to separate the genders of public transport passengers to prevent the recurrence of harassment cases in public transportation.

However, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency canceled the separation plan and replaced it by establishing a Sapa Post, namely Friends of Women and Children in the mode of transportation through the complaint number at 112.

Currently, the Pos Sapa service is available at 23 TransJakarta shelters, 13 MRT stations and six Jakarta LRT stations and is also planned to expand to urban transportation.

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