JAKARTA - Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto said the family of Brigadier Pol. Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) needs to be involved in the joint team formed by the National Police Chief to uncover the exchange of fire between members.

Rukmanto, who was contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, explained the involvement of the family of Brigadier J, who was killed in a shootout at the house of the Head of the Propam Police, Inspector General of Police. Ferdy Sambo for objectivity and neutrality while at the same time making the case clear.

"That's why the family of the victim (Brigadier J) must also be involved in this fact-finding team, so that it doesn't appear that the victim who died was blamed or was deliberately sacrificed," said Rukminto.

He appreciated the formation of a joint team by the National Police Chief which he called the fact-finding team (TGF). The team was led by the Deputy Chief of Police and assisted by the Inspector of General Supervision (Irwasum), Kabareskrim, Kabaintelkam, and involved the Provost and Paminal.

However, he said, the formation of the team was still not firm, because it was not accompanied by deactivating the Inspector General of Police. Ferdy Sambo as Head of Propam Division.

“The formation of the TPF is good, but it is still not firm. If it was firm, with the formation of the TPF, Inspector General Sambo should also have been disabled, because the incident at the official residence could not be avoided dragging his name. The issue later is proven innocent, later the good name can be rehabilitated, "said Rukmnto.

Rukmanto also highlighted many irregularities in the incident. This requires neutrality and objectivity of the joint Polri team.

He is of the view that if the team consists of more than Polri elements, then the public will doubt its objectivity, considering that this case occurred between the family of Brigadier J, who is a member of the Polri, and the Polri institution. Therefore Brigadier J's family needs to be involved in the team.

"Similarly with the enlisted perpetrator (Bharada E), don't let it appear that Bharada E is a substitute actor for someone who actually shot and others," he said.

The mechanism for involving Brigadier J's family in the joint team, according to him, is possible through assistance by competent parties such as legal aid agencies (LBH).

Rukmanto also reminded that if this case is not completed, it can reduce public confidence in the Polri institution. Because the composition in this team is dominant from the Police, it is necessary to maintain objectivity and the stigma that the joint team is not just a Police tool to legitimize statements that are considered odd by the public.

"It could even be apathetic towards our police," he said.

Rukmnto added, in the fast-paced information age, speed is needed in uncovering incidents to build public trust. Currently growing wild issues in the community related to the incident.

He said, people were wondering if it was true that Brigadier J had abused the wife of the leader? Because the latest information even had time to escort to Magelang. Was it true that there was a shootout with Bharada E or was there another party? Is it true that Bharada E shot? and so forth.

"The National Police Chief said not to rush-But that doesn't mean not to hurry," he said.

National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has formed a joint team consisting of the internal work unit of the National Police and police partners in this case Kompolnas and Komnas HAM to help uncover the incident of a shootout between members of the National Police at the house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo.

The shooting incident between members of the National Police took place at the Office of the Head of the Professional and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the National Police Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo at the Duren Tiga Police Complex No. 46 Pancoran area, South Jakarta, Friday July 8, at 17.00 WIB.

The shooting took place between Pol Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) Adjutant Drive Caraka (ADV) the wife of the Police Propam Division Head and Bharada E, ADV Head of the National Police Propam Division. The incident resulted in Brigadier Pol. Nopryansah was shot and killed with seven bullet holes in her body.

The incident was motivated by the harassment and pointing of a gun by the wife of the Head of the Propam Police Division, Putri Ferdy Sambo.

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