JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto refuses to disclose the investigation material regarding the alleged abuse of the wife of the Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Even about rumors of love affairs, the Chief of Police refused to talk.

"We are a bit sensitive in conveying this. Of course it is an issue in the investigation material that we cannot reveal to the public," Kombes Budhi told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, July 12.

The South Jakarta Police Chief confirmed that in the police shooting case between Rigadir J and Bharada E, his party received a report of a crime.

"What is clear is that we received the LP or the police report from the Propam head of division with the alleged articles of Article 335 (KUHP) and Article 289 (KUHP). Of course, we also prove this and process this because yes, every citizen has the same rights before the law," he said. .

It was previously reported that the police shot the police when the wife of the Inspector General of the Propam Headquarters was sleeping in the room. At this time -- said the police -- Brigadier Josua then entered and was suspected of committing harassment.

"My mother screamed and then asked for help from other personnel who were actually in the house. So my mother shouted for help to Brother R and Brother M. How many times did I ask for help and this scream apparently made Brother J panicked so that at that moment he also heard voices? The step that came down from the coincidence of brother R on the 2nd floor of the house together with witness K," explained Kombes Budhi.

"Only half the stairs then saw brother J come out of the room and asked what was wrong. It was not answered but was done by shooting," he continued.

The shot that was released by Brigadier Joshua did not hit Bharada E and only hit the wall. Bharada E tried to take cover behind the stairs leading up.

"Because brother R was also equipped with a weapon, he then took out the weapon that was on his waist. So this was then a shooting took place," he said.

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