NATUNA - Strong winds occurred in the Riau Islands region on Sunday, July 10, resulting in one unit of a house belonging to a resident of Kadur Village, Pulau Laut District, Natuna, Riau Archipelago, which was badly damaged by a coconut tree. The sea, Bambang Erawan, in Natuna, Monday, July 11. Apart from a coconut tree falling on one resident's house, strong winds also damaged other residents' houses. said that until now, some residents at the border are still staying in their respective homes while repairing the damaged roof. In the incident, he appealed to residents to always be careful in their activities, "However, we are still grateful because there was no Ban life in this incident, always be vigilant in carrying out activities," appealed the Camat.

In addition, one of the houses belonging to Jumiati, a resident of Air Payang Village, Pulau Laut Subdistrict, was also damaged. He explained that his house was damaged on the roof of the kitchen and the roof of the front of the house. "The roof of the front of the house is quite bad, currently it is still being repaired, other residents' houses are also being repaired," said Jumiati. BPBD) Natuna Regency, Raja Darmika admitted that he had not received a detailed report regarding the incident. "Just got the photo, complete (detailed data) is still waiting," said Raja Darmika. He also said that assistance would be proposed to the Governor of Riau Islands Province for repairs "At most provide assistance in the form of basic necessities and will propose assistance to the Governor for rehabilitation (repairs)," he said.

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