JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR highlighted the issue of mafia problems and land disputes in Jambi which were handled by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). Moreover, this ministry has been led by a new minister, namely Hadi Tjahjanto. Member of Commission II of the DPR Guspardi Gaus, said that Panja questioned the land dispute case between a mobile banana seller, Elida Chaniago, who was detained because there were two land certificates on one object issued by BPN.

"I feel concerned about hearing this information. Moreover, Elida Chaniago's mother was put in prison because she had a dispute with Robert Lee who also admitted to the same land ownership. Even though Elida Chaniago's mother's certificate was issued in 2013 and Robert Lee's family certificate was issued in 2022. This means that there are two series of names in the same location," Guspardi told reporters, Monday, July 11. According to the West Sumatra legislator, if a certificate has been issued and a person has a certain land object and is released again, there will be a legal conflict over the land.

"The name is the land dispute," he said, quoted from Antara.

Guspardi then explained that the dispute, as experienced by a traveling banana trader in the city of Jambi, would not happen if the BPN worked professionally. "I have criticized the issue of this land dispute and conveyed it when we had a working meeting with ATR/BPN in the Jambi Province regional office which was attended by elements of the police and the prosecutor's office. Moreover, the Jambi city BPN acknowledged that the series on behalf of Elida Chaniago were indeed registered. Of course, law enforcement officials should immediately stop the case and there is no need to let him be detained," he explained.

Therefore, Guspardi questioned the performance of the Jambi City ATR/BPN Ministry which has issued two certificates on the same land object. If it is proven that there is involvement of 'insiders' internally at the Jambi City BPN, he said, then the Ministry of ATR/BPN must take firm action by firing the BPN personnel involved. "And to the police, it is hoped that they can handle this case wisely and wisely and prioritize professionalism. Don't let the wrong person become innocent and on the contrary, the wrong person becomes the wrong person in the face of the law," said the member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

To note, the land dispute problem experienced by mobile banana traders in the city of Jambi began with the sale and purchase of land between Sukandar and Arsil and his wife as stated in the Sale and Purchase Deed (AJBB) Number 236/2010 registered at the Notary Holijah Office. The Ownership Certificate (SHM) Number 418 with an area of 525 meters issued by the Jambi City BPN official, Kartono Agus Riyanto ST in the 1983 tab. Asril and his wife Elida Chaniago also regularly pay taxes paid for until now 2022.

Problems arose in 2017. Suddenly Robin Lee came who sued at the Jambi District Court. He sued that the land belonged to his wife, Lies Asnawati with SHM Number 2375/ Paal Lima from October 31, 2003. As if the law had broken, Robin Lee's son Charles Lee withdrew and forcibly arrested Elida Chan and was thrown into the detention house.

Logically, the certificate of ownership (SHM) Number 418 of land area 575 meters was published in 1983 and transferred records to Arsil and Elida Chan along with their physical control. Meanwhile, Robin Lee's certificate of property rights (SHM) and his wife Lies Asnawati's Number 2375/fall five was issued in 2022.

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