JAKARTA - A couple with the initials DAP (23) and LW (24) were caught by an officer of the Tanah Kusir public cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta, when they were about to bury the baby. Sadly, the two perpetrators were students.

Kasatpel TPU Tanah Kusir, Gunawan confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Wednesday, July 6, at around 18.30 WIB. He said the lovebirds came to bury his dead baby.

"It seems illegal to bury him. If it is according to the procedure, you can immediately come here (TPU) to make a report," Gunawan said when met, Friday, July 8.

From the information received by his staff, Gunawan continued, the couple did aim to bury the baby. But failed, because they were caught by the officer on guard.

"I haven't dug a grave yet, it's also impossible for him (the perpetrator) to dig himself. But what is clear is that the person has panicked," he said.

After learning about the incident, the two perpetrators were immediately taken to the Kebayoran Lama Police Sector. However, the case was transferred to the Cengkareng Police because the perpetrator gave birth to him in the Cengkareng area.

For information, the DAP gave birth to an unregistered baby on Tuesday, July 5. Then on Wednesday, July 6, DAP's parents took the child from the illicit relationship to one of the masseurs in the North Jakarta area, with the aim of being entrusted.

However, not until the masseur, the baby is thought to have died on the way. The lifeless baby was then taken back home.

Knowing that the baby was lifeless, his parents took the baby back to the flats. The baby was then still stored in the room dead.

It was only around 6 pm that the couple decided to bury the baby at the Tanah Kusir TPU. Now, the couple is being taken to the Cengkareng Police for further investigation.

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