ACEH - The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of Aceh received 93 complaints related to public services throughout 2022. Head of the Ombudsman for Aceh Representative Dian Rubianty said the complaint received was recorded from January 1 to June 30, 2022. "Of the 93 complaints submitted to the Ombudsman, the public has complained about the substance, namely those related to staffing, agrarian or land, and rural problems," said Dian Rubianty in Banda Aceh, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 7. Dian said the 93 complaints consisted of 33 public reports, one investigation, 39 non-reporting consultants, and 20 copies of complaints. Accompanied by the Head of Asistency for Recipient and Verification of the Indonesian Ombudsman Report Representative of Aceh Ilyas Isti, Dian Rubianty said the complaint regarding staffing was 16 reports or 17 percent. "Next is the 13 report land complaint or 14 percent and 10 reports of rural problems or 11 percent, as well as other complaints, ranging from below 10 percent," said Dian Rubianty. Regarding the settlement of the public complaint, Dian said 15 reports had been completed and 18 other complaints were in the examination process and the rest were still in the verification stage. The number of complaints decreased compared to the same period in 2021. The total number of reports received for the January-June 2021 period was 246 complaints. According to Dian Rubianty, the decline in the number of complaints shows that public services are increasing, reducing the number of people's dissatisfaction. Dian Rubianty emphasized that his party continues to make more efforts to introduce the Ombudsman institution to the public. Not only in city district centers, but also to remote areas of Aceh, including on the outer islands. "The Ombudsman must be accessible to all Acehnese people in the future. We will also strengthen prevention, so that public complaints to public services continue to decrease," said Dian Rubianty as well.

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