JAKARTA The 15-year-old boy who was swept away in the Kalimalang river, East Jakarta is a person with disabilities. The boy with the initials HM had a speech disorder and mental retardation. This was conveyed by his mother, Husnul Khotimah.

Husnul's explanation was in line with her husband, Superkir, HM's father. Husnul said, the boy who was wearing a red shirt with gray pants at that time, was invited by his father to wash his motorbike on the banks of the Kalimalang river, Cipinang Melayu, East Jakarta.

While sitting on the edge of the river, HM had time to play around while trying to touch the river water with his hands. He said, at that time HM lost balance and fell.

"Following his father to clean the motorbike, he was sitting there playing around like that, waving his hands into the water, then he fell," explained Husnul Khotimah to VOI at the location, Thursday, July 7.

His father, continued Husnul, had time to help HM, who fell into the river. However, because she thought her husband was old, her energy was not so strong to withstand the weight of HM who was driven by the river current. So, according to Husnul, Superkir let him go. HM was dragged by the current towards Cawang.

"You had time to help, but you can't afford it. He's a 15-year-old boy. He's also a disabled person, both mentally," said Husnul.

Previously, it was reported that HM (15), a boy with disabilities, drowned in the Kalimalang River, Jalan Inspection of the West Tarum Channel, Kalimalang, East Jakarta. At the time of the incident, HM accompanied his father washing his motorbike, Thursday, July 7 at around 11.00 WIB.

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