JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named three suspects in a corruption case in sales and marketing activities at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

The three suspects, namely the Head of Marketing and Sales Division who later served as Production Director in 2014-2019 Arie Wibowo (AW); President Director of PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa Didi Laksamana (DL); and President Director of PT Selaras Bangun Usaha Ferry Santosa Subrata (FSS).

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the KPK examined the developing facts and found allegations of corruption involving other parties.

"After finding sufficient preliminary evidence, the KPK conducted an investigation and raised the status of the case to investigation and named three suspects," KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata said in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Tuesday, November 3.

Alex said that in this case it was suspected that Arie had received a flow of funds amounting to Rp9,172,012,834; Didi allegedly received Rp.10,805,119; and Ferry Santosa Rp1,951,769,992.

This suspicion was obtained by the KPK after they examined 108 witnesses and confiscated assets in the form of money and property in the form of land and buildings worth Rp40 billion.

After being named suspects and being detained, the two will be detained for the first 20 days from November 3 to November 22. The three of them are held in three different detention centers (detention centers).

"Suspect AW was detained at the East Jakarta Metro Police Detention Center. Suspect DL was detained at the Central Jakarta Police Detention Center and the FSS suspect was detained at the Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center," said Alex.

In addition to the detention of the three suspects, the KPK also announced that in the same case the KPK had investigated the suspect, the former President Director of PT PAL, Budiman Saleh. Then, there are two people who are now defendants, namely Budi Santoso and Irzal Rinaldi Zailani who are currently carrying out trials at the Tipikor District Court in Bandung, West Java.

Alex explained that Ariw, Didi, and Ferry were suspected of receiving a flow of funds from the disbursement of payments for fictitious sales partners. As a result of the actions of the three suspects, the state suffered a loss of Rp. 202.1 billion plus approximately US $ 8.6 million. So that the total state loss is around Rp. 315 billion, assuming the exchange rate of 1 US dollar is Rp. 14,600.

The three suspects are suspected of violating Article 2 or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55. paragraph (1) 1st KUHP.

This case started in late 2007. At that time, Budi as President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia and Irzal as his assistant, as well as two other people, namely Director of Aircraft Integration Budi Wuraskito, Director of Aerostructure Budiman Saleh, and Head of Marketing and Sales Division Arie Wibowo held a meeting.

At the meeting, they discussed the need for funds to get a job at other ministries, including entertainment costs and meeting fees that cannot be accounted for to the finance department.

Furthermore, Budi asked for a cooperation contract with partners / agents in an effort to meet the funds. Several meetings were held. As a result, the cooperation program with partners / agents was agreed upon by direct appointment and preparation of PT Dirgantara Indonesia's Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) budget, financing the cooperation entrusted to the sales and marketing activity budget.

After preparing partner companies / agents, starting from June 2008-2018, a partnership contract was signed by the Director of Aircraft Integration PT Dirgantara Indonesia with a number of companies such as PT Angkasa Mitra Karya, PT Bumiloka Tegar Perkasa, PT Abadi Setosa Perkasa, PT Niaga Putra Bangsa, and PT Selaras Bangun Usaha.

Even though there is a contract, the partner company / agent never carries out the work based on the obligations stated in the letter. Payments to partner companies / agents were only made in 2011. That was after PT Dirgantara Indonesia received payments from the employer.

After receiving the payment, there was a request for a sum of money, either through transfer or cash of around Rp. 96 billion and those who received were Budi Santoso, Irzal, Arie Wibowo, and Budiman Saleh.

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