JAKARTA - A man was found dead covered in blood in a prone position in a small alley, Jalan Krendang Utara Raya, Krendang, Tambora, West Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5. The victim is known to have the initials SM (49).

When found, the man's body was near a water ditch. The victim wore a blue denim jacket, beige shorts, and black shoes.

The police also found a badik near the victim's body. The victim suffered a stab wound to the head. For further processing, the victim's body was brought to the RSCM for investigation purposes.

The General Crime Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Avrilendy, said that the police had conducted an investigation of the crime scene (TKP).

"Earlier, (the victim) was immediately transported so that an autopsy could be carried out on the cause of death," he said when confirmed, Tuesday, July 5.

Furthermore, AKP Avril said the victim's wallet and identity card were still in the victim's clothes. The victim has the initials SM.

"Items such as wallets are still there. But cellphones don't exist, because they don't carry cellphones," he said.

In addition, Avril said, at the scene of the incident was found a sharp weapon type badik. The police also seized the sharp weapon as evidence. Meanwhile, the case is being handled by the West Jakarta Metro Police.

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