BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police, West Java, arrested two youths with the initials AAZ and AAL who were hoarding and diverting subsidized diesel fuel (BBM) in Bogor Regency.

"During the inspection, officers found a storage reservoir for diesel fuel from a gas station," said Bogor Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Iman Imanuddin during the disclosure of a criminal case at the Cibinong Police Headquarters, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

According to him, the disclosure of the case began with public suspicion of the activity of box cars buying subsidized diesel. The police then investigated the report.

From the interim examination, both of them have been abusing subsidized diesel for 1 year. AAZ (22) and AAL (19) are known to transport diesel using a box car, then sell it for a project in the Cikarang area, Bekasi.

"Their method is that they carry a reservoir in a box car and then turn to gas stations. Then they are sent to the Cikarang area, Bekasi, for a development project," said Iman.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor Police AKP Siswo Tarigan in the same place said that the Police secured two subsidized diesel storage tanks with a capacity of 1,000 liters each in a box car.

The two suspects bought diesel at a price of Rp. 5,500 per liter at a gas station, then sold it at a price of Rp. 6,500 per liter. Several gas stations that the two often visit to buy diesel are in the Cileungsi, Klapanunggal and Gunungputri areas.

"So take the profit in the range of Rp. 1,000 per liter each time," said Siswo.

AAZ and AAL are now threatened with being charged with Article 55 and/or Article 53 in conjunction with Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, with a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 60 billion.

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