MAKASSAR - Police arrested a young man with the initials Ar who abused his biological mother in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi.

"Information from the birth mother is still consuming drugs. So he always asks for money from his mother, but the mother refuses, ”said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Pinrang Police, AKP Dharma Praditya, contacted by VOI, Tuesday, November 3.

Ar persecuted his mother with iron. As a result of the mistreatment, the victim was seriously injured.

Ar's arrest was made on Sunday, November 1. He was immediately examined intensively.

"He admitted that he had destroyed and burned the mattress at the house of his parents (the reporter). He did not admit to the torture of the reporter," said Dharma.

The victim told the police that her biological child was abused while in the house. The perpetrator hit the victim's back with iron.

"What is secured by iron evidence with a length of about 85 cm, a post-mortem has been carried out," he concluded.

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