Indonesian Migrant Worker Agency Meets Moeldoko, Here's What They Discuss
Moeldoko/Photo: Antara

Jakarta – Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko received the arrival of the management of the Association of Indonesian Employment Service Companies (Apjati), at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5. During the meeting, Apjati revealed various issues regarding the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) after the COVID-19 pandemic.

DPP Chairperson Apjati Ayub Basalamah said, as the pandemic slowed, several countries had reopened opportunities for the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers. Like, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. It's just that, he said, until now the placement of PMIs to several destination countries could not be carried out due to a number of problems.

He gave an example, the placement of PMI to Taiwan because the cost structure has not been issued from the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) and the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI). The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI).

"There are 30 thousand PMIs with the aim of placing Taiwanese in line at Sisko P2MI (Computerized System for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers). The placement cannot be done because the Ministry of Manpower and BP2MI have not issued a cost structure," said Ayub.

For information, the cost structure or cost structure is the total cost for a person in order to work abroad. Among them include training costs, initial requirements, and identity costs, such as passport processing. The costing structure is a.

Domestically, the cost structure becomes a reference for the total costs charged to job seekers, in this case PMI. Meanwhile, for the country of placement destination, the fee is used as a reference for the cost of recruiting workers from Indonesia. In its implementation, the cost structure is determined based on an agreement between the worker's country of origin and the country that is the destination for placement.

"The cost structure has not yet been issued, so Taiwan has not been able to accept PMI," said Ayub.

On that occasion, Ayub also revealed that the placement of PMIs to Taiwan which was already running was a 2020 program or before the COVID19 pandemic occurred, with a total of 86,000 PMIs. Meanwhile, for new placements, he said, until now there are still no. "The condition is stuck, sir. That's why we came here (KSP) so that this problem can be resolved," he said.

In addition to the issue of PM placement, Ayub also conveyed about the importance of law enforcement on the placement practices of Non-Presedural Indonesian Migrant Workers. This is because, Apjati found, the number of non-procedural PMI placements is very large, especially to countries in the Middle East. "One month can be five to seven thousand," explained Job.

In response to this, the Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko emphasized that he would immediately coordinate the issue of structural costs for PMI placement with the Ministry of Manpower, BP2MI, and the placement association. Including non-precedural PMI issues.

"The placement of PMI is one of the leading sectors for the Indonesian economy, with the achievement of foreign exchange. We must be able to take this opportunity,” said Moeldoko.

"The contribution of foreign exchange from PMI is very large. 2021 alone will reach 130 trillion rupiah," he added.

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