JOMBANG - A kiai asked the Jombang Police Chief, AKBP Nurhidayat, to stop the alleged molestation of female students, which was widely circulated in the WhatsApp group. The kiai is the father of the suspect MSAT (DPO).

The video was widely circulated after the Jombang Police forcibly picked up the MSAT suspect at his residence, namely the Sidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Losari Village, Ploso District, Jombang Regency, East Java. The forced pick-up was carried out by the Jombang Police, on Sunday, July 3.

In the 1.55 second video, the kiai and the Jombang Police Chief are seen in an assembly. The kiai was sitting on a chair, while the police chief sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the kiai.

In the video, the kiai can be seen asking the Jombang Police Chief not to continue the legal case that befell his son (MSAT, ed). The reason is that the alleged molestation case by MSAT against a number of female students is slander.

"For our common safety, for the glory of Indonesia Raya, this slander issue is a family matter. For that, go back to your respective places, don't force yourself to take my child who has been slandered," said the kiai in the video.

Hearing the advice from the MSAT suspect's father, the Jombang Police Chief did not seem to respond. He just sat down and listened to the kiai.

"All of that is slander. Allahu Akbar, that's enough," said the kiai, accompanied by takbir by the congregation present at the assembly.

The MSAT suspect is a resident from Ploso District, Jombang Regency, East Java. He is the caretaker and son of a well-known kiai from one of the pesantren in the area.

In October 2019, the victim reported MSAT to the Jombang Police on suspicion of molesting an underage woman from Central Java with the LP Number: LPB/392/X/RES/1.24/2019/JATIM/RESJBG. The victim is one of the students or MSAT students at the pesantren.

During the investigation by the Jombang Police, it was discovered that MSAT had never once complied with the investigator's summons. However, he was named a suspect in December 2019. Until finally the police established MSAT as a wanted list (DPO).

This case was later taken over by the East Java Regional Police. Attempts to force a pick-up were also hindered by the local pesantren congregation. Including the attempted pick-up by the Jombang Police on Sunday night, July 3, 2022. Again, the police's efforts failed.

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