JAKARTA - Five political parties namely Golkar, PAN, PPP, Gerindra and PKB have announced the name of the coalition. Golkar, PAN and PPP declared the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB), while Gerindra and PKB agreed to build the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition. Meanwhile, PDIP does not need to form a coalition because it can carry its own presidential candidate. Then, what about NasDem, PKS and Democrats who have recently been exploring each other? The chairman of the NasDem DPP, Willy Aditya, admitted that communication with PKS and Democrats is still ongoing to this day. In fact, he said the three political parties had agreed on the 2024 election. However, according to him, the exploration of the three political parties had not yet reached an agreement to build a coalition like Gerindra and PKB, as well as Golkar, PAN, and PPP.

"We'll see if this will narrow down or not. Not yet, it's still in the framework of building an understanding," said Willy, Saturday, July 2.

"But if an understanding has started, the others have agreed, we will definitely agree," he continued.

Including the matter of presidential candidates, the Deputy Chair of the DPR Baleg said, NasDem is still working on the 3 names from the National Working Meeting. Namely, Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, and Andika Perkasa.

"If our intention so far is to stick with the results of the National Working Meeting, we will wait. Now we are still communicating, interpreting it," said Willy.

Even so, regarding NasDem's attitude and decision, Willy indicated that he was waiting for the momentum of Independence Day or the Indonesian Independence Day on August 17, 2022. However, he did not elaborate on what things would be announced.

"We'll see in the months ahead before independence day, is there anything we can do, NasDem, please be patient," he concluded.

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