JAKARTA - Thousands of workers staged a demonstration against the Work Creation Law in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue was completed. They seemed to disperse in an orderly manner.

Before disbanding, the President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI), Said Iqbal, said that his party would again hold demonstrations until the Job Creation Law was canceled.

"I will end this action. We will follow the security directives that direct them to go home. In the days ahead, we will double the number of workers fighting for our rights," Iqbal said at the location, Monday, November 2.

Iqbal views that the continuation of the demonstration is a weapon for workers in addition to pursuing the constitutional route, namely filing a judicial review of the Job Creation Law.

"We choose the ultimate weapon of the constitution to seek justice. But, if the sense of justice is taken away, then straighten your eyes, strengthen your heart. Fight!" exclaimed Iqbal.

In the near future, Iqbal said that the labor unions that are members of the KSPI, KSPSI and Gekanas will resume their action in front of the DPR Building on November 9.

Previously, labor union representatives came to the Constitutional Court building to submit a written statement regarding the proposed suit for judicial review and formal review of the Job Creation Law.

Iqbal said that this statement of attitude was made to warn the Constitutional Court judges to be fair when the labor union filed a judicial review.

"This statement of stance basically states that the labor group seriously asks the Constitutional Justices to make decisions that are as fair as possible, regardless of any interests except the interests of the state," said Iqbal.

If a judicial review has been filed, Iqbal asks the Constitutional Court Judge not only to consider material evidence or the words contained in the articles of the Article of the Job Creation Law.

However, the Constitutional Court Judges were also asked to consider the effects in the articles of the Job Creation Law which resulted in impairing the constitutional rights of workers.

Iqbal said that actually his party was ready to bring the material review file which would be submitted to the Constitutional Court. However, unfortunately until now the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has not given the numbering to the Job Creation Law. Thus, only a statement of attitude was recently submitted.

"Because there is no number, KSPSI and KSPI were forced to submit this lawsuit file, but apparently we could not do it because we had to wait for the number issued by the government," he concluded.

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