BANDA ACEH - The Sabang District Attorney's Office (Kejari) has started an investigation into the alleged corruption case of land acquisition for the Lhok Batee Final Disposal Site (TPA) in Gampong Cot Abeuk, Sabang City, Aceh.

The Sabang Kejari investigator team has gone directly to examine the location of the alleged corruption case of land acquisition with a budget ceiling of around Rp. 4 billion in 2020 at the Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK).

"The examination of the TPA location is intended to complete the evidence in the investigation," said Sabang Chief Prosecutor Choirun Parapat as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 30.

He explained that the Sabang Kejari investigator team began investigating the alleged corruption case of land acquisition for the Lhok Batee TPA on March 16, 2022.

Direct site inspection is carried out to check for real the number and types of plants that have been compensated, excluding the 19,851 square meter land object.

Choirun Parapat said that the land acquisition used the Sabang City Government budget of around Rp. 4 billion.

Based on preliminary evidence, he continued, the Sabang Kejari had found indications of mark ups (budgetary inflation) in the land acquisition.

"The team of prosecutors investigating the Sabang Kejari remains professional in their work and in the shortest possible time will immediately determine who the suspects should be held accountable for the case," he said.

In addition, the head of the Sabang Kejari Intelligence Section, Jen Tanamal, said that investigators had examined 17 witnesses. It has also found additional evidence based on the preliminary results of field inspections.

"If additional evidence is found, it will further strengthen the allegation of an act against criminal law that could harm the state in this case," he said.

The inspection of the land acquisition location was led directly by Kajari Sabang together with a team from the Agriculture and Food Service, the State Land Agency (BPN), the LHK Service, and the Sabang City auditors.

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