BATANG - The Batang Regency Government, Central Java, informed that based on the results of electronic community-based nutrition recording and reporting, the number of stunting cases in 2022 was 5,182 children from 38,211 children under five. Batang District Health Office Secretary Ida Susilaksmi in Batang, Thursday 30 June, said that with this result, Batang Regency was included in the top 10 categories of stunting cases in Central Java. "There is indeed a decline in child stunting cases in 2022 compared to the previous year which reached 5,275 children under five from 37,302 children under five," he said, quoted by Antara. For children, the district government has made a number of efforts, such as through the "Gayeng Nginceng Wong Meteng" program and collaborating with the local Ministry of Religion to conduct socialization and guidance to prospective brides. and sanitation. "Those three things, contradict motherhood is the cause of stunting in children in the area," said Ida Susilaksmi.

Communities in the regions, he continued, still have the notion that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers have taboos that are not allowed to be eaten even though nutritious and healthy food is needed for them and the growth of the brain and body of the fetus in the womb. Ida Susilaksmi said that with the COVID-19 pandemic causing economic shocks so that it affects nutritional intake in infants. "Parenting also has an effect, when babies are cared for by people who have inadequate knowledge so that in giving food the pattern is also wrong and not painstaking," he said. Likewise, he said, with limited sanitation and open defecation will risk the occurrence of infectious diseases. "High diarrhea, children often get sick, their weight will drop, and it will result in stunting," said Ida Susilaksmi.

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