JAKARTA - Social media activist Chusnul Chotimah mocked the Governor of DKI Jakarta who did not have the support of ulama and habibs in the Condet area, East Jakarta. The support is related to the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

However, the support from Habib and Condet clerics to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election flowed to the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

"Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is supported to run in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) by ulama, habib, and 1,300 santri in Condet, East Jakarta," Chusnul said on his Twitter account, @ChusnulCh__, Thursday, June 30.

He was surprised that Ganjar, who in fact served as regional head in Central Java, actually won the trust of religious leaders in the area led by Anies Baswedan.

With a mocking tone, Chusnul said that the bitter reality had to be accepted by Anies' supporters.

"Why not Anies huh? Ambyar drun," said Chusnul, followed by a laughing emoticon.

Previously, it was reported that at least 1,300 santri including habib and ulama in Condet, East Jakarta, supported Ganjar Pranowo in running for the 2024 presidential election.

The form of support from the ulama and thousands of students was carried out through a prayer and prayer ceremony yesterday, Wednesday 29 June.

The National Coordinator of Santri Supporting Ganjar, Acep Amirudin said, Ganjar is known to be close to Islamic boarding schools and religious leaders because he often stays in touch with a number of Islamic boarding schools in the area.

The leader of the Cahyaning Sholawat Sunter Council, North Jakarta, Kiai Muhammad Ali Musthofa admitted that Ganjar was no stranger to him because he came from a pesantren family.

Ganjar, said Kiai Ali, is also the religious and nationalist leader that Indonesia needs at this time. "Because our background is in Islamic boarding schools and he is also a pesantren family," said Kiai Ali as quoted by Antara.

Besides Kiai Ali, the event to support Ganjar for the 2024 presidential election was also attended by Habib Fahmi Al Haddad, Habib Reza, Habib Fadli Al Habsyi, Habib Hasan Al Atas, and Habib Mahdi Al Haddad.

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