SOLOK - Head of the West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati) Yusron appreciated the plan to build a rehabilitation center for drug addicts in Solok City because it prioritizes the safety of the people who are victims of drug abuse. Solok, Thursday 30 June. Yusron and his entourage from the Prosecutor's Office of West Sumatra visited the planned location for the construction of a rehabilitation site in Solok City. According to him, by providing rehabilitation services for victims of drug abuse, it is proof of the seriousness of the Solok City Government to save the community, especially young people. The Attorney General's Office program in combating narcotics trafficking and abuse. "Hopefully this drug rehabilitation site will be completed quickly and can be functioned properly and optimally," he said, quoted by Antara. Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Solok City, Syaiful A. located at the Fish Seed Center (BBI) located in Tanah Garam Village, Lubuk Sikarah District, Solok City.

"The Mayor of Solok immediately ordered the relevant agencies to carry out restoration and improvement so that as soon as possible it could function as a rehabilitation center for drug addicts," said Syaiful. in East Jakarta, as a follow-up to the development plan for the rehabilitation of victims of drug abuse. Solok City Government hopes that the construction of a rehabilitation center for victims of drug abuse will soon be realized.

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