JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno wants the people of Kelapa Island to continue to explore the tourism potential and creative economy on the island which is part of the Thousand Islands Regency, DKI Jakarta.

Menparekraf Sandiaga when visiting Kelapa Island with the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, explained that his party appreciated Kelapa Island for being included in the top 100 best tourist villages in the 2022 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) event.

"Because after the announcement of the top 50 ADWI 2022, I immediately consulted with the jury, this value is very little different from the Glodok Chinatown tourism village. For that I want to appreciate and attend directly to explore the potential of creative tourism here," he said.

Menparekraf Sandiaga said, Kelapa Island was one of the best marine tourism destinations in the Thousand Islands Regency. So it is hoped that the potential that exists in one of the densely populated islands is able to create new jobs to generate the economy and create jobs.

"Coconut Island, is one of the best destinations in the Thousand Islands which is included in the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN). We, together with the local government, have a duty to be present in equalizing human resource development and the welfare of the people in the Thousand Islands, so that they are the same as other urban villages in DKI Jakarta," he said.

Menparekraf Sandiaga said the best way to create job opportunities was to explore tourism potential and the creative economy. Because the tourism sector is able to open up to six times more job opportunities than other sectors.

"Let's continue to develop. Kelapa Island must be maintained for its sustainability, waste management, culinary potential, crafts, waste management, and management of new and renewable energy as a sustainable destination support service," he said.

Menparekraf Sandiaga recommended for tourists to travel to Kelapa Island, because of the potential for beautiful marine tourism and also its location close to Ancol or to Tangerang City. Can be reached only 1.5 hours from Ancol Pier.

Menparekraf had time to enjoy the marine beauty of Kelapa Island by swimming as far as 500 meters from the boat he was riding on to Kelapa Island Pier.

"Because if we look at the tour to the top it can take hours, but if we go to Seribu Island it's only 1.5 hours and tourists can enjoy the beauty of the sea, culinary, cultural, and interesting multi-ethnic mixing here and as the most populous island that can improve the community's economy. ," he said.

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