JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police stated that E-TLE Mobile has not yet been implemented in all Polda ranks because it requires large funds in the procurement process. Therefore, Korlantas also coordinated with the local government (Pemda) regarding this matter.

"This E-TLE is clearly not free, the equipment is expensive and has to be procured. We are communicating this to Pak Asrena and support for the National Police does not all have to go to the police, but also to other agencies," said Police Headquarters Inspector General Firman Santyabudi to reporters, Wednesday, June 29.

In the ETLE Mobile procurement process, the National Police will coordinate with all regional heads. Of course, coordination is more about funding.

Firman gave an example, the South Sumatra Police will launch the ETLE Mobil on Friday, July 1. The procurement is also the result of collaboration with the local government.

"As an example, I was invited by the South Sumatran Police Chief tomorrow, Friday, to launch several E-TLE points whose budget sources are from the regional government. So if everything is done by the police, the police don't have enough money," he said.

Korlantas, continued Firman, will encourage all Regional Police to implement ETLE Mobile. The aim is not to increase enforcement but to increase public awareness of obeying traffic.

"We want to encourage the use of technology throughout this area. I think we also hope that the community will not arrest people by installing E-TLE as much as possible. But as much as possible we have areas where people are aware of traffic," said Firman.

Korlantas Polri has 711 Mobile Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) cameras spread across several Polda ranks. Most of them are in the Central Java Regional Police.

"Central Java Police 700 cellphone cameras, North Sumatra Police 10 cellphone cameras, and South Sumatra Police 1 car camera," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Dakgar Ditgakkum Polri Korlantas Kombes Made Agus Prasatya.

Hundreds of ETLE cameras are used to take action against motorists who do not obey traffic rules. Especially, at points or locations that Static ETLE doesn't monitor.

The process of taking action is by installing the camera on the cellphones of members of the traffic police who are on patrol.

The camera is operated through the Go-Sigap application. So, if a vehicle is found to be on patrol, the violation will be automatically recorded in the E-TLE system.

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