JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPC of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) in the City of Surabaya Adi Sutarwijono asked cadres, volunteers and the wider community not to be complacent with the three survey results that favored Eri Cahyadi and Armuji in the 2020 Pilkada.

Adi Sutarwijono in Surabaya, Sunday, said that the superiority of the survey results from three institutions, namely the Populi Center, PusdeHAM, and internal PDIP, was the genuine voice of the public towards the pair Eri Cahyadi-Armuji.

"The results (survey) are the work of all, both cadres, sympathizers, teams, and the community so far. However, I hope not to be complacent, it must be further improved," he said.

Although it is considered a success because Machfud Arifin and Eri Cahyadi's campaign start is very far apart, continued Adi, mutual cooperation and hard work from all parties are still expected to win the candidate pair number 01.

"We have to keep working, even harder, so that this victory is even more within our grasp. The goal is only one goal so that the people of Surabaya will continue to feel the goodness and progress of this well-ordered city," he said.

Adi also reminded cadres, sympathizers, and teams to campaign peacefully without cheating. However, it is more about introducing the program and vision and mission of the Eri Cahyadi-Armuji couple.

"Let us create this political contestation in a peaceful, cool, and educational manner. People are presented with choices that lead to welfare, both economically, educationally and in health," he said.

Election for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya 2020 was followed by pairs Eri Cahyadi and Armuji. This candidate pair was promoted by PDI Perjuangan and supported by PSI.

In addition, they also get additional strength from six non-parliamentary political parties, namely the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Hanura Party, the Berkarya Party, PKPI, and the Garuda Party.

Machfud pair Arifin-Mujiaman with serial number 02 was carried by a coalition of eight parties, namely PKB, PPP, PAN, Golkar, Gerindra, PKS, Democrat, and NasDem Party and supported by the Perindo Party.

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