PEKANBARU - Head of Bengkalis Class IIA Prison, Edi Mulyono said the Bengkalis Regency Government helped build a two-story residential block consisting of 10 rooms on the ground floor and 10 rooms on the upper floor with a capacity to accommodate 200 people.

"The new residential block was built on the land of the former prison workshop," said Edi Mulyono, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 28.

He said that in 2021 the Bengkalis Regency Government had finished building the 1st floor and in 2022 it would be continued to the 2nd floor. Standard building structures such as bed sizes, bathroom designs, foundations, door shapes and trellises.

The construction of other parts will be submitted to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that the resulting building truly guarantees the level of security of prison standards.

"The development of the new residential block building is needed because as of June 27, 2022 the Class IIA Bengkalis Correctional Institution (Lapas) is inhabited by 1,700 correctional inmates (WBP) or has overcrowded, because the prison's capacity is only for 393 people," he said.

This means that this prison is one of the prisons/remand centers in Riau that has experienced overcrowding of 433 percent, the third in Riau prisons/remand centers that have experienced overcrowding after Bagansiapiapi Prison and Teluk Kuantan Prison.

In terms of the number of occupants, he said, Bengkalis Prison is the third most populous prison/detention center in Riau after the Pekanbaru Rutan and Bangkinang Prison.

Head of Regional Office of Kemenkumham Riau, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu together with the Head of the General Section of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Nurhayati Sitorus, then visited Bengkalis Prison, inspected the construction of a new residential block and expressed gratitude directly to the Bengkalis Regent and his staff.

"The excess of occupants who are too high in prisons/remand centers can hinder the coaching process, both independence development and skills development. We have proposed the construction of new residential blocks, but it turns out that there are still many other prisons/remand centers in Indonesia which are more urgent to be built immediately," he said.

However, this limitation, he said, did not discourage his team, instead it motivated him to continue to provide the best service to the WBP and the community. Therefore, thank you to the community and Bengkalis Regency Government who have helped and paid attention to Bengkalis Prison.

The construction of the new residential block, which is equipped with special rooms for persons with disabilities, is expected to reduce the density of residential capacity so that inmates can live decently, get better air circulation, and can worship in their rooms freely.

"Construction of the 2nd floor will begin in 2022. I hope that the security team and all levels of Bengkalis Prison are more alert and vigilant in securing the WBP. Don't let anyone take advantage of this situation," said Kakanwil.

Jahari also reminded WBP to continue to follow the coaching program properly and with discipline and to participate in maintaining prison security and order.

"We are doing all of this for the sake of mutual comfort, for that I ask my fellow inmates to continue to obey the rules and respect prison officers," he said.

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