SLEMAN - Deputy Regent of Sleman, Danang Maharsa encourages young people to strengthen national unity by maintaining tolerance and inter-religious harmony.

This was conveyed by Danang in the Seminar on the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) in Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, Tuesday, June 28.

"For that I invite the younger generation to be wise in understanding things without being easily provoked and still promoting a sense of tolerance," he said.

He added that tolerance among religious believers must be introduced and maintained from an early age. Especially young people who tend to follow the development of information technology.

"Instilling a sense of tolerance in the younger generation is very important, especially the younger generation today tends to follow the development of information technology," he said, according to Antara.

He considered that FKUB seminar activities are very important for young people to participate in so that they have an understanding of religious harmony.

Meanwhile, regarding the development of information technology, he said it must be used as a positive thing because it cannot be denied that the ease of access to information can be an opportunity to spread hoaxes and negative narratives to break the unity of the Indonesian nation.

He hopes that the younger generation will fill their activities in various positive activities, both in the creative, artistic and cultural worlds.

"In realizing religious harmony in an area, it is necessary to synergize between the government and all elements of society, including the younger generation, whether they are members of community organizations or not," he explained.

The FKUB seminar was organized by the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) of Sleman Regency by targeting the younger generation who are members of various social organizations in the area.

"The young generation is involved in this activity as an effort to provide understanding regarding the values ​​of tolerance to create religious harmony," said Head of the Kesbangpol Sleman Regency Hery Sutopo.

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