MEDAN - Police revealed the case of the death of a junior high school student with the initials AS who was found rotting in the bushes of Puraka II Village, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. One person with the initials FS (19) was arrested.

Head of Public Relations of the Langkat Police, Iptu Joko Sumpeno, said the murder took place on Wednesday, 15 June afternoon. At first, the perpetrator saw the victim who was passing by and then chased her on a motorbike.

The perpetrator chased the victim towards the entrance to Pitura Street. The two, met not far from the RAM warehouse.

"After that, the perpetrator asked where the victim was going. Suddenly, the victim said he was going to the golf course where the victim's body was found", said Iptu Joko, Tuesday, June 28.

Hearing the victim's words, the perpetrator immediately asked her to get on his motorbike. After that, the two of them headed for the location.

Arriving at the location, the perpetrator invited and seduced the victim to have sex. Initially the victim accepted, but when the perpetrator was about to take off her shirt, she was immediately rejected and tried to fight back by biting the perpetrator's lips.

The perpetrator, who was in pain, then hit the back of the victim's head with her hand until the victim fainted. After the victim was unconscious, the perpetrator brutally sexually assaulted the victim.

After that, the victim who regained consciousness made the perpetrators panic. He hit the victim again until she fainted.

"At that time, the perpetrator with lewdness returned to have sex with the victim", he said.

After that, the perpetrator again hit the victim, who was still unconscious, by using a rock to the head and neck.

"Afraid that the victim realized, he hit the victim again by using a stone towards the forehead, head and neck", he said.

After killing, the perpetrator then put the school uniform into the victim's bag. Then, he threw the bag into the bushes not far from the scene.

However, in the middle of the road, the perpetrator returned to meet the victim who was already unconscious and immediately took the hijab and hair tie that the victim was wearing, to be thrown away.

"When she was about to throw the headscarf, she slipped in the ditch which resulted in her legs hurting and her sandals breaking so she threw the headscarf and hair tie in the ditch", he said.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code Subs Article 341 Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 81 Paragraph 1 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

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