JAKARTA - The NasDem Party is exploring cooperation with PKS and Democrats to welcome the 2024 General Election. The NasDem Party is also discussing a unifying national duo Anies Baswedan-Ganjar Pranowo to eliminate polarization.

As a party that is close to NasDem, the Democrats actually responded coldly to the duo's proposal. Instead of eliminating them, the Democrats view that the move to pair Anies with Ganjar actually perpetuates identity politics.

"We are of the view that the increase in the degree and quality of democracy should be realized so that the polarization that stems from excessive exploitation of identity politics can be resolved," said Deputy for Bappilu DPP for the Democratic Party, Kamhar Lakumani, to reporters, Tuesday, June 28. According to Kamhar, the pair Anies and Ganjar is not the solution to stop polarization or identity politics. "Taking a shortcut by creating the Anies-Ganjar duo as a representation of the two political poles that have been confronted as the embodiment of identity politics is tantamount to perpetuating identity politics itself. So it does not solve the problem," explained Kamhar. identity politics is restricted by the constitution. Namely the 20 percent Presidential Threshold for political parties to be able to carry presidential and vice presidential candidates in the general election. "One source of this problem is the presidential threshold. Therefore, if you want to solve this excessive exploitation of identity politics and at the same time become an effort to increase the degree and quality of democracy," explained Kamhar. Therefore, Kamhar assesses that the PT 20 percent rule needs to be reviewed so that the people get as many choices as possible for the nation's best sons and daughters who are contesting at the top of the national leadership. increasing public criticism," Kamhar said.

Kamhar hopes that the current government can still save Indonesia's democracy by changing policies related to PT 20 percent. "Therefore, if Pak Jokowi wants to be remembered and recorded well in the history of this nation's democratic journey, there is still a chance to improve after almost two periods of democracy in shackles," closed Kamhar. Previously, the chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, proposed the Anies-Ganjar duo during a discussion with Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"It means, Pak Surya thinks that today there is a prominent figure, which we think, if we want to objectively assess it, there is Anies and there is Ganjar," said Deputy General Chairman of the Nasdem Party Ahmad Ali, last Friday, June 24. Surya Paloh's reason chose Anies and Ganjar, said Ahmad Ali, because both of them have different mass niches and are expected to prevent polarization. united, this will at least minimize the emergence of polarization in the upcoming presidential election," said Ahmad Ali.

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